Reward Functions#

In this section we describe the reward function protocol, the reward function registry, and how to write your own custom reward functions.

The RewardFunction Protocol#

A reward function is a deterministic mapping from a state-action-state transition to a numeric reward. Using the typing standard library, the reward function type is defined as a typing.Callable which receives a State, an Action, and another State, and returns a float.

RewardFunction = <class 'gym_gridverse.envs.reward_functions.RewardFunction'>[source]

Signature that all reward functions must follow


A reward function may (and often does) accept additional arguments; this is possible so long as the extra arguments either have default values, or are binded to specific values later on, e.g., using functools.partial().

The Reward Function Registry#

The reward_functions module contains some pre-defined reward functions and the reward_function_registry, a dictionary-like object through which to register and retrieve reward functions. Reward functions are registered using the register() method, which can be used as a decorator (also see Custom Reward Functions). As a dictionary, reward_function_registry has a keys() method which returns the names of registered functions.

Custom Reward Functions#


Reward functions are modular and can be combined to costruct more complicated or specialized rewards by calling each other, e.g., the implementation of reach_exit() internally refers to overlap(). A standard way to combine multiple reward functions is using reduce_sum(), which returns the sum of rewards obtained by other reward functions.

Custom reward functions can be defined so long as they satisfy some basic rules; A custom reward function:

  • MUST satisfy the RewardFunction protocol.

  • MUST NOT edit the input states.

  • SHOULD be wholly deterministic.


The reward function is usually deterministic by the definition of the reinforcement learning control problem. Regardless, introducing reward stochasticity does not fundamentally change the nature of a control problem, but rather “only” makes the agent feedback noisier.

While we discourage implementing and using stochastic reward functions, you may use them if you wish to. The primary drawback will be that seeding the environment using set_seed() will be insufficient to reproduce traces, runs, and experiments; if you wish to maintain reproducibility despite employing a stochastic reward function, you will have to manage the external source of randomness and its seeding yourself.

Practical Example 1#


The examples shown here can be found in the examples/ folder.

In this example, we are going to write a reward function which returns -1.0 if the two states in the transition are the same (perhaps this will help the agent avoid actions which have no effect!).

from typing import Optional

import numpy.random as rnd

from gym_gridverse.action import Action
from gym_gridverse.envs.reward_functions import reward_function_registry
from gym_gridverse.state import State

def static(
    state: State,
    action: Action,
    next_state: State,
    rng: Optional[rnd.Generator] = None,
) -> float:
    """negative reward if state is unchanged"""
    return -1.0 if state == next_state else 0.0

Done! This reward function can now be used as it is; furthermore, because the implementation is so generic and task-independent, it can be used with any type of environment! Mind you, writing a reward function is not always this easy, and more complicated reward functions typically have to inspect the inputs to check if a complicated underlying condition is met (which is the subject of the second example in this guide); but regardless of difficulty, anything is possible!

We can go one step further and generalize the static reward function such that different reward values can be used without having to manually edit the code each time. We do this by adding appropriate arguments to the function signature, and then using functools.partial() with values which might come from command line arguments or a file configuration.

import functools

from gym_gridverse.action import Action
from gym_gridverse.envs.reward_functions import reward_function_registry
from gym_gridverse.state import State

def generalized_static(
    state: State,
    action: Action,
    next_state: State,
    reward_if_static: float = -1.0,
    reward_if_not_static: float = 0.0,
) -> float:
    """determines reward depending on whether state is unchanged"""
    return reward_if_static if state == next_state else reward_if_not_static

# binding two variants of generalized_static_reward
stronger_static = functools.partial(
weaker_static = functools.partial(

Practical Example 2#

In this example, we are going to write a reward which encourages the agent to turn around in a given direction, clockwise or counterclockwise (perhaps this will help the agent gain more information by changing POV!) We provide two different implementations which will hopefully demonstrate the intricacies of coding the correct functionality.

First Implementation#

In the first implementation, we will simply check whether the action argument matches one of the rotation actions (TURN_LEFT and TURN_RIGHT), and select the appropriate reward:

from gym_gridverse.action import Action
from gym_gridverse.envs.reward_functions import reward_function_registry
from gym_gridverse.state import State

def intended_rotation(
    state: State,
    action: Action,
    next_state: State,
    reward_clockwise: float,
    reward_counterclockwise: float,
) -> float:
    """determines reward depending on whether agent has turned (counter)clockwise"""

    return (
        if action is Action.TURN_RIGHT
        else reward_counterclockwise
        if action is Action.TURN_LEFT
        else 0.0

Easy! Note, however, that we did not use the state and next_state arguments at all; should we be worried about that? As it turns out, this implementation measures the agent’s intention to turn, but not necessarily whether the agent actually turned. The two conditions might (or might not) be very different, depending on the state dynamics:

  • the agent might have tried to turn but failed, e.g., due to a flat 10% failure rate in actually performing actions.

  • the agent might have turned by means other than its action, e.g., by standing on a rotating tile.

Second Implementation#

If we wanted to re-implement this reward function by taking into account what actually happened in the transition, we might do it as follows:

from gym_gridverse.action import Action
from gym_gridverse.envs.reward_functions import reward_function_registry
from gym_gridverse.geometry import Orientation
from gym_gridverse.state import State

# these are all the clockwise rotations (represented as tuples)
_clockwise_rotations = {
    (Orientation.F, Orientation.R),
    (Orientation.R, Orientation.B),
    (Orientation.B, Orientation.L),
    (Orientation.L, Orientation.F),

# these are all the counterclockwise rotations (represented as tuples)
_counterclockwise_rotations = {
    (Orientation.F, Orientation.L),
    (Orientation.L, Orientation.B),
    (Orientation.B, Orientation.R),
    (Orientation.R, Orientation.F),

def actual_rotation(
    state: State,
    action: Action,
    next_state: State,
    reward_clockwise: float,
    reward_counterclockwise: float,
) -> float:
    """determines reward depending on whether agent has turned (counter)clockwise"""

    # actual rotation represented as tuple of orientations in previous and next states
    rotation = (state.agent.orientation, next_state.agent.orientation)

    return (
        if rotation in _clockwise_rotations
        else reward_counterclockwise
        if rotation in _counterclockwise_rotations
        else 0.0

It is up to you, the designer, to know your environment well enough not only to decide what kind of behavior to reward, but also to be able to encode the concept of a reward into an implementation which correctly matches that concept.