Source code for gym_gridverse.geometry

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import itertools as itt
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union, overload

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Shape: """2D shape, with integer height and width. Follows matrix notation: first index is number of rows, and second index is number of columns. """ height: int width: int @property def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.height, self.width
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Area: """2D area, which extends vertically and horizontally""" ys: Tuple[int, int] xs: Tuple[int, int] def __post_init__(self): if self.ys[0] > self.ys[1]: raise ValueError('ys ({self.ys}) should be non-decreasing') if self.xs[0] > self.xs[1]: raise ValueError('xs ({self.xs}) should be non-decreasing')
[docs] @staticmethod def from_positions(positions: Sequence[Position]) -> Area: ys, xs = zip(*(position.yx for position in positions)) return Area((min(ys), max(ys)), (min(xs), max(xs)))
@property def ymin(self) -> int: return self.ys[0] @property def ymax(self) -> int: return self.ys[1] @property def xmin(self) -> int: return self.xs[0] @property def xmax(self) -> int: return self.xs[1] @property def height(self) -> int: return self.ymax - self.ymin + 1 @property def width(self) -> int: return self.xmax - self.xmin + 1
[docs] def y_coordinates(self) -> Iterable[int]: """iterator over y coordinates""" return range(self.ymin, self.ymax + 1)
[docs] def x_coordinates(self) -> Iterable[int]: """iterator over x coordinates""" return range(self.xmin, self.xmax + 1)
[docs] def positions(self, selection: str = 'all') -> Iterable[Position]: """iterator over all/border/inside positions Args: selection (str): 'all', 'border', or 'inside' Returns: Iterable[Position]: selected positions """ if selection not in ['all', 'border', 'inside']: raise ValueError(f'invalid selection `{selection}`') positions: Iterable[Position] if selection == 'all': positions = ( Position(y, x) for y in self.y_coordinates() for x in self.x_coordinates() ) elif selection == 'border': positions = itt.chain( ( Position(y, x) for y in [self.ymin, self.ymax] for x in range(self.xmin, self.xmax + 1) ), ( Position(y, x) for y in range(self.ymin + 1, self.ymax) for x in [self.xmin, self.xmax] ), ) elif selection == 'inside': positions = ( Position(y, x) for y in range(self.ymin + 1, self.ymax) for x in range(self.xmin + 1, self.xmax) ) return positions
[docs] def contains(self, position: Position) -> bool: return ( self.ymin <= position.y <= self.ymax and self.xmin <= position.x <= self.xmax )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Position: """2D position (y, x), with `y` extending downward and `x` extending rightward""" y: int x: int @property def yx(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.y, self.x
[docs] @staticmethod def from_orientation(orientation: Orientation) -> Position: try: return _position_from_orientation[orientation] except KeyError as error: raise TypeError( 'method expectes orientation {orientation}' ) from error
@overload def __add__(self, other: Position) -> Position: ... @overload def __add__(self, other: Area) -> Area: ... def __add__(self, other: Union[Position, Area]) -> Union[Position, Area]: if isinstance(other, Position): return Position(self.y + other.y, self.x + other.x) if isinstance(other, Area): return Area( (self.y + other.ymin, self.y + other.ymax), (self.x + other.xmin, self.x + other.xmax), ) return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other: Position) -> Position: try: return Position(self.y - other.y, self.x - other.x) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __neg__(self) -> Position: return Position(-self.y, -self.x)
[docs] @staticmethod def manhattan_distance(p: Position, q: Position) -> float: diff = p - q return abs(diff.y) + abs(diff.x)
[docs] @staticmethod def euclidean_distance(p: Position, q: Position) -> float: diff = p - q return math.sqrt(diff.y**2 + diff.x**2)
[docs]class Orientation(enum.Enum): FORWARD = 0 BACKWARD = LEFT = RIGHT = # aliases F = FORWARD B = BACKWARD L = LEFT R = RIGHT @overload def __mul__(self, other: Orientation) -> Orientation: ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Position) -> Position: ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Area) -> Area: ... def __mul__( self, other: Union[Orientation, Position, Area] ) -> Union[Orientation, Position, Area]: if isinstance(other, Orientation): return _orientation_rotations[self, other] if isinstance(other, Position): if self is Orientation.F: return Position(other.y, other.x) if self is Orientation.B: return Position(-other.y, -other.x) if self is Orientation.R: return Position(other.x, -other.y) if self is Orientation.L: return Position(-other.x, other.y) assert False if isinstance(other, Area): if self is Orientation.F: return Area( (other.ymin, other.ymax), (other.xmin, other.xmax), ) if self is Orientation.B: return Area( (-other.ymax, -other.ymin), (-other.xmax, -other.xmin), ) if self is Orientation.R: return Area( (other.xmin, other.xmax), (-other.ymax, -other.ymin), ) if self is Orientation.L: return Area( (-other.xmax, -other.xmin), (other.ymin, other.ymax), ) return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __neg__(self) -> Orientation: """Negative orientation NOTE: This operator represents the algebraeic notion of negation, with FORWARD being the identity element. That is, -orientation is defined such that orientation * -orientation == -orientation * orientation == FORWARD: -FORWARD == FORWARD (*not* BACKWARD) -BACKWARD == BACKWARD (*not* BACKWARD) -LEFT == RIGHT -RIGHT == LEFT """ return _orientation_neg[self]
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Transform: """A grid-based rigid body transformation, also a ``pose`` (position and orientation)""" position: Position orientation: Orientation @overload def __mul__(self, other: Transform) -> Transform: ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Position) -> Position: ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Area) -> Area: ... @overload def __mul__(self, other: Orientation) -> Orientation: ... def __mul__( self, other: Union[Transform, Position, Area, Orientation] ) -> Union[Transform, Position, Area, Orientation]: """Returns rigid body transformation of other geometric objects Implements the following behaviors: 1. transform * transform -> transformed transform 2. transform * position -> transformed position 3. transform * orientation -> transformed orientation 4. transform * area -> transformed area """ if isinstance(other, Transform): return Transform( self.position + self.orientation * other.position, self.orientation * other.orientation, ) if isinstance(other, (Position, Area)): return self.position + self.orientation * other if isinstance(other, Orientation): return self.orientation * other return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __neg__(self) -> Transform: return Transform( -(-self.orientation * self.position), -self.orientation, )
[docs]def get_manhattan_boundary(position: Position, distance: int) -> List[Position]: """Returns the cells (excluding pos) with Manhattan distance of pos For distance = 1, will return the left, upper, right and lower cell of position. For longer distances, the extended boundary is returned: E.g. for distance = 2 the cells denoted by 'x' are returned:: x x x x . x x x x Args: position (Position): The center of the return boundary (excluded) distance (int): The distance of the boundary returned Returns: List[Position]: List of positions (excluding pos) representing the boundary """ if distance <= 0: raise ValueError(f'distance ({distance}) must be positive') boundary: List[Position] = [] # from top, adding points clockwise in 4 straight lines boundary.extend( Position(position.y - distance + i, position.x + i) for i in range(distance) ) boundary.extend( Position(position.y + i, position.x + distance - i) for i in range(distance) ) boundary.extend( Position(position.y + distance - i, position.x - i) for i in range(distance) ) boundary.extend( Position(position.y - i, position.x - distance + i) for i in range(distance) ) return boundary
DistanceFunction = Callable[[Position, Position], float]
[docs]def distance_function_factory(name: str): # TODO: test if name == 'manhattan': return Position.manhattan_distance if name == 'euclidean': return Position.euclidean_distance raise ValueError(f'invalid distance function name {name}')
# cached values (used to avoid if-else chains) # for Position.from_orientation _position_from_orientation = { Orientation.F: Position(-1, 0), Orientation.R: Position(0, 1), Orientation.B: Position(1, 0), Orientation.L: Position(0, -1), } # for Orientation.__mul__ _orientation_rotations = { (Orientation.F, Orientation.F): Orientation.F, (Orientation.F, Orientation.R): Orientation.R, (Orientation.F, Orientation.B): Orientation.B, (Orientation.F, Orientation.L): Orientation.L, # (Orientation.R, Orientation.F): Orientation.R, (Orientation.R, Orientation.R): Orientation.B, (Orientation.R, Orientation.B): Orientation.L, (Orientation.R, Orientation.L): Orientation.F, # (Orientation.B, Orientation.F): Orientation.B, (Orientation.B, Orientation.R): Orientation.L, (Orientation.B, Orientation.B): Orientation.F, (Orientation.B, Orientation.L): Orientation.R, # (Orientation.L, Orientation.F): Orientation.L, (Orientation.L, Orientation.R): Orientation.F, (Orientation.L, Orientation.B): Orientation.R, (Orientation.L, Orientation.L): Orientation.B, } # for Orientation.neg _orientation_neg = { Orientation.F: Orientation.F, Orientation.R: Orientation.L, Orientation.B: Orientation.B, Orientation.L: Orientation.R, }