Source code for gym_gridverse.grid

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

from .geometry import Area, Orientation, Position, Shape
from .grid_object import Floor, GridObject, GridObjectFactory, Hidden

[docs]class Grid: """A two-dimensional grid of objects. A container of :py:class:`~gym_gridverse.grid_object.GridObject`. This is typically used to represent either the global state of the environment, or a partial agent view. This is basically a two-dimensional array, with some additional methods which help in querying and manipulating its objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, objects: List[List[GridObject]]): """Constructs a grid from the given grid-objects Args: objects (List[List[~gym_gridverse.grid_object.GridObject]]): grid of GridObjects """ self.objects = objects self.shape = Shape(len(objects), len(objects[0])) self.area = Area((0, self.shape.height - 1), (0, self.shape.width - 1))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_shape( shape: Union[Shape, Tuple[int, int]], *, factory: GridObjectFactory = Floor, ) -> Grid: """Constructs a grid with the given shape, with objects generated from the factory. Args: shape (Union[~gym_gridverse.geometry.Shape, Tuple[int, int]]): factory (~gym_gridverse.grid_object.GridObjectFactory): Returns: Grid: The grid of the appropriate size, with generated objects """ try: shape = cast(Shape, shape) height, width = shape.height, shape.width except AttributeError: shape = cast(Tuple[int, int], shape) height, width = shape objects = [[factory() for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)] return Grid(objects)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: try: return self.shape == other.shape and all( self[position] == other[position] for position in self.area.positions() ) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented
[docs] def object_types(self) -> Set[Type[GridObject]]: """Returns the set of object types in the grid Returns: Set[Type[GridObject]]: """ return set(type(self[position]) for position in self.area.positions())
[docs] def get( self, position: Union[Position, Tuple[int, int]], *, factory: GridObjectFactory, ) -> GridObject: """Gets the grid object in the position, or generates one from the factory. Args: position (Union[~gym_gridverse.geometry.Position, Tuple[int, int]]): factory (~gym_gridverse.grid_object.GridObjectFactory): Returns: GridObject: """ try: return self[position] except IndexError: return factory()
def __getitem__( self, position: Union[Position, Tuple[int, int]] ) -> GridObject: try: position = cast(Position, position) y, x = position.yx except AttributeError: position = cast(Tuple[int, int], position) y, x = position return self.objects[y][x] def __setitem__( self, position: Union[Position, Tuple[int, int]], obj: GridObject ): try: position = cast(Position, position) y, x = position.yx except AttributeError: position = cast(Tuple[int, int], position) y, x = position if not isinstance(obj, GridObject): raise TypeError('grid can only contain grid objects') self.objects[y][x] = obj
[docs] def swap(self, p: Position, q: Position): """Swaps the grid objects at two positions. Args: p (~gym_gridverse.geometry.Position): q (~gym_gridverse.geometry.Position): """ self[p], self[q] = self[q], self[p]
[docs] def subgrid(self, area: Area) -> Grid: """Returns subgrid slice at given area. Cells included in the area but outside of the grid are represented as Hidden objects. Args: area (~gym_gridverse.geometry.Area): The area to be sliced Returns: Grid: New instance, sliced appropriately """ return Grid( [ [ self.objects[y][x] if 0 <= y < self.area.height and 0 <= x < self.area.width else Hidden() for x in area.x_coordinates() ] for y in area.y_coordinates() ] )
def __mul__(self, other: Orientation) -> Grid: """returns grid transformed according to given orientation. NOTE: this product follows rigid body transform conventions, whereby the orientation represents a transform between frames to apply on the grid, e.g., orientation * grid = expected ----------- ---- -------- ABC CFI RIGHT * DEF = BEH GHI ADG becomes BD AC Args: orientation (~gym_gridverse.geometry.Orientation): The rotation orientation Returns: Grid: New instance rotated appropriately """ try: rotation_function = _grid_rotation_functions[other] except KeyError: return NotImplemented else: objects = rotation_function(self.objects) return Grid(objects) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(map(tuple, self.objects))) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.shape.height}x{self.shape.width} objects={self.objects}>'
def _rotate_matrix_forward(data): return data def _rotate_matrix_right(data): return [list(row) for row in zip(*data[::-1])] def _rotate_matrix_left(data): return [list(row) for row in zip(*data)][::-1] def _rotate_matrix_backward(data): return [d[::-1] for d in data[::-1]] # for Grid.__mul__ _grid_rotation_functions = { Orientation.F: _rotate_matrix_forward, Orientation.R: _rotate_matrix_left, Orientation.B: _rotate_matrix_backward, Orientation.L: _rotate_matrix_right, }