Source code for gym_gridverse.spaces

from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, Type

from gym_gridverse.action import Action
from gym_gridverse.geometry import Area, Orientation, Position, Shape
from gym_gridverse.grid_object import Color, GridObject, Hidden, NoneGridObject
from gym_gridverse.observation import Observation
from gym_gridverse.state import State

def _max_object_type(object_types: Iterable[Type[GridObject]]) -> int:
    """Returns the highest object type of the provided object classes

        object_types (`Iterable[Type[GridObject]]`):

    return max(obj_type.type_index() for obj_type in object_types)

def _max_object_status(object_types: Iterable[Type[GridObject]]) -> int:
    """Returns the highest object status of the provided object classes

        object_types (`Iterable[Type[GridObject]]`):

    return max(obj_type.num_states() for obj_type in object_types)

def _max_color_index(colors: Iterable[Color]) -> int:
    """Returns the highest color index of the provided colors

        colors (`Iterable[Color]`):

    return max(color.value for color in colors)

[docs]class StateSpace: def __init__( self, grid_shape: Shape, object_types: Sequence[Type[GridObject]], colors: Sequence[Color], ): self.grid_shape = grid_shape self.object_types = list(object_types) self.colors = set(colors) | {Color.NONE} self._agent_object_types = set(object_types) | {NoneGridObject}
[docs] def contains(self, state: State) -> bool: """True if the state satisfies the state-space""" # TODO: test return ( state.grid.shape == self.grid_shape and state.grid.object_types().issubset(self.object_types) and state.grid.area.contains(state.agent.position) and isinstance(state.agent.orientation, Orientation) and type(state.agent.grid_object) in self._agent_object_types )
@property def can_be_represented(self): # TODO: test return all( object_type.can_be_represented_in_state() for object_type in self.object_types ) @property def agent_state_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]: # TODO: test return ( self.grid_shape.height, self.grid_shape.height, self.max_agent_object_type, self.max_agent_object_status, self.max_object_color, ) @property def agent_state_shape(self) -> int: # TODO: test return len(self.agent_state_size) @property def grid_state_shape(self) -> Shape: # TODO: test return self.grid_shape @property def max_object_color(self) -> int: return _max_color_index(self.colors) # Random getters you might be interested in @property def max_type_index(self) -> int: return max(self.max_grid_object_type, self.max_agent_object_type) @property def max_state_index(self) -> int: return max(self.max_grid_object_status, self.max_agent_object_status) @property def max_grid_object_type(self) -> int: return _max_object_type(self.object_types) @property def max_grid_object_status(self) -> int: return _max_object_status(self.object_types) @property def max_agent_object_type(self) -> int: # NOTE: Add Hidden as the default 'non' object the agent is holding return _max_object_type(self.object_types + [NoneGridObject]) @property def max_agent_object_status(self) -> int: # TODO: test # NOTE: Add Hidden as the default 'non' object the agent is holding return _max_object_status(self.object_types + [NoneGridObject])
[docs]class ActionSpace: def __init__(self, actions: Sequence[Action]): self.actions = actions
[docs] def contains(self, action: Action) -> bool: """True if the action satisfies the action-space""" return action in self.actions
[docs] def int_to_action(self, action: int) -> Action: return self.actions[action]
[docs] def action_to_int(self, action: Action) -> int: # TODO: test return self.actions.index(action)
@property def num_actions(self) -> int: return len(self.actions)
[docs]class ObservationSpace: def __init__( self, grid_shape: Shape, object_types: Sequence[Type[GridObject]], colors: Sequence[Color], ): # TODO we should generalize this if grid_shape.width % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('shape should have an odd width') self.grid_shape = grid_shape self.object_types = list(object_types) self.colors = set(colors) | {Color.NONE} self._grid_object_types = set(object_types) | {Hidden} self._agent_object_types = set(object_types) | {NoneGridObject} # TODO: eventually let this substitute the `grid_shape` input altogether # this area represents the observable area, with (0, 0) representing # the agent's position, when the agent is pointing N self.area = Area( (-self.grid_shape.height + 1, 0), (-(self.grid_shape.width // 2), self.grid_shape.width // 2), ) # NOTE this position is relative to the top right coordinate of the area self.agent_position = Position( self.area.height - 1, self.area.width // 2 ) # TODO: We don't need to make assumptions about the agent position
[docs] def contains(self, observation: Observation) -> bool: """True if the observation satisfies the observation-space""" have_same_shape = observation.grid.shape == self.grid_shape y_in_grid = 0 <= observation.agent.position.y < self.area.height x_in_grid = 0 <= observation.agent.position.x < self.area.width agent_obj_type_in_space = ( type(observation.agent.grid_object) in self._agent_object_types ) grid_objs_in_space = observation.grid.object_types().issubset( self._grid_object_types ) grid_objs_colors_in_space = set( observation.grid[pos].color for pos in observation.grid.area.positions() ).issubset(self.colors) agent_obj_color_in_space = ( observation.agent.grid_object.color in self.colors ) res = [ have_same_shape, grid_objs_in_space, grid_objs_colors_in_space, y_in_grid, x_in_grid, agent_obj_type_in_space, agent_obj_color_in_space, ] return all(res)
@property def agent_state_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]: # TODO: test return ( self.grid_shape.height, self.grid_shape.width, self.max_agent_object_type, self.max_agent_object_status, self.max_object_color, ) @property def agent_state_shape(self) -> int: # TODO: test return len(self.agent_state_size) @property def grid_state_shape(self) -> Shape: # TODO: test return self.grid_shape @property def max_object_color(self) -> int: return _max_color_index(self.colors) # Random getters you might be interested in @property def max_type_index(self) -> int: return max(self.max_grid_object_type, self.max_agent_object_type) @property def max_state_index(self) -> int: return max(self.max_grid_object_status, self.max_agent_object_status) @property def max_grid_object_type(self) -> int: # NOTE: Add Hidden as a potential object in any domain observation return _max_object_type(self.object_types + [Hidden]) @property def max_grid_object_status(self) -> int: # NOTE: Add Hidden as a potential object in any domain observation return _max_object_status(self.object_types + [Hidden]) @property def max_agent_object_type(self) -> int: # TODO: test # NOTE: Add Hidden as the default 'non' object the agent is holding return _max_object_type(self.object_types + [NoneGridObject]) @property def max_agent_object_status(self) -> int: # TODO: test # NOTE: Add Hidden as the default 'non' object the agent is holding return _max_object_status(self.object_types + [NoneGridObject])