Source code for gym_gridverse.utils.custom

import importlib

[docs]def is_custom(name: str) -> bool: """Checks if input name indicates a custom function/object A custom name is expressed as `<module_name>:<stripped_name>`. Args: name (str): Potentially custom name Returns: bool: True iff the input name is custom """ return ':' in name
[docs]def import_custom(name: str) -> str: """Imports custom module and returns stripped name. A custom name is expressed as `<module_name>:<stripped_name>`. Args: name (str): Custom name Returns: str: The stripped name """ module_name, stripped_name = name.split(':') importlib.import_module(module_name) return stripped_name
[docs]def import_if_custom(name: str) -> str: """Conditionally imports custom module and returns stripped name. Combines :py:func:`~gym_gridverse.utils.custom.is_custom` and :py:func:`~gym_gridverse.utils.custom.import_custom`. Args: name (str): Potentially custom name Returns: str: If custom, the stripped name, else the input name """ return import_custom(name) if is_custom(name) else name