Source code for gym_gridverse.utils.raytracing

import itertools as itt
import math
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Iterable, List

import more_itertools as mitt
import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from gym_gridverse.geometry import Area, Position

Ray: TypeAlias = List[Position]
"""Ray, a list of positions"""

[docs]def compute_ray( position: Position, area: Area, *, radians: float, step_size: float, unique: bool = True, ) -> Ray: """Returns a ray from a given position. A ray is a list of positions which are hit by a direct line starting at the center of the given position and moving along the given direction (in radians) until the area is left. Args: position (Position): initial position, must be in area. area (Area): boundary over rays. radians (float): ray direction. step_size (float): ray step granularity. unique (bool): If true, the same position can appear twice in the ray. Returns: Ray: ray from the given position until the area boundary """ if not area.contains(position): raise ValueError(f'Position {position} is not inside area {area}') y0, x0 = float(position.y), float(position.x) dy = step_size * math.sin(radians) dx = step_size * math.cos(radians) ys = (y0 + i * dy for i in itt.count()) xs = (x0 + i * dx for i in itt.count()) positions: Iterable[Position] positions = (Position(round(y), round(x)) for y, x in zip(ys, xs)) positions = itt.takewhile(area.contains, positions) positions = mitt.unique_everseen(positions) if unique else positions return list(positions)
[docs]def compute_rays(position: Position, area: Area) -> List[Ray]: """Returns rays obtained at 1° granularity. A ray is a list of positions which are hit by a direct line starting at the center of the given position and moving along a direction until the area is left. This method will search for the ingeter directions between 0° and 359°. Args: position (Position): initial position, must be in area. area (Area): boundary over rays. Returns: List[Ray]: """ rays: List[Ray] = [] radians_over_degrees = math.pi / 180.0 degrees = range(360) radians = (deg * radians_over_degrees for deg in degrees) rays = [ compute_ray(position, area, radians=rad, step_size=0.01) for rad in radians ] return rays
[docs]def compute_rays_fancy(position: Position, area: Area) -> List[Ray]: """Returns rays obtained by targeting edge points. A ray is a list of positions which are hit by a direct line starting at the center of the given position and moving along a direction until the area is left. This method will search in the directions towards all other cell edges. Args: position (Position): initial position, must be in area. area (Area): boundary over rays. Returns: List[Ray]: """ # compute corners of each cell ys = np.linspace(area.ymin, area.ymax + 1, num=area.height + 1) - 0.5 xs = np.linspace(area.xmin, area.xmax + 1, num=area.width + 1) - 0.5 # center all positions ys = ys - position.y xs = xs - position.x # compute points and angles yys, xxs = np.meshgrid(ys, xs) radians = np.arctan2(yys, xxs) radians = np.sort(radians, axis=None) rays = [ compute_ray(position, area, radians=rad, step_size=0.01) for rad in radians ] return rays
# the ray functions are deterministic and can be cached for efficiency (extra # calls for python3.7 compatibility) cached_compute_rays = lru_cache()(compute_rays) cached_compute_rays_fancy = lru_cache()(compute_rays_fancy)